• Will MorrisonNeighbor

  • Greenwich, CT
  • Website

Since retiring in 2018, Will has been introducing Tai Chi to new constituencies through Greenwich Continuing Education, The Parsonage Cottage, the Greenwich Senior Center and YMCA, and Stamford Health’s Sarner Institute. Students range in age and degrees of mobility and health.

He teaches two types of classes – one that focuses on core balance and focus through easy to learn movements while the other requires a deeper commitment that yields greater health and mindfulness benefits through the study of the classic “Form”.

Will has been studying the Cheng Man-Ching’s Tai Chi Short Form (video) with Maggie Newman and Ed Young (Wikipedia), his primary teacher since 1981.

Newman and Young were two of Professor Cheng Man-Ching’s (Wikipedia) most senior students. The Professor developed an abridged version of the Tai Chi Yang Style which he brought to New York in the 1960’s to share its transformational and health benefits with the West. It has become the most popular style world-wide.

Will worked at IBM for twenty-five years starting in Research and focused on collaboration. He was the head of Jim Henson’s Muppet Workshop for ten years. Will has lived in Old Greenwich with his wife, Leslee, since the early 90’s and has two grown sons.

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